Вячеслав Радион,
Everett, WA,USA
С Тобой Господь способно сердце
Земными днями дорожить,
Ведь Ты послал душе усердье
Хоть чем-то людям послужить... e-mail автора:radvyach@yahoo.com
Прочитано 5627 раз. Голосов 5. Средняя оценка: 4,2
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оценку произведению, которое вы прочитали - это помогает авторам
совершенствовать свои творческие способности
Вот прочитала два взгляда на жизнь в Америке.Изя шмуль нашел в ней рай на земле,ваш взгляд духовный созвучен проповедям Д.Вилькерсона.
2014-05-13 03:24:18
Nice poem, but for America is too late, for she is beyond her repair. But there still hope for individuals of America to come to Christ and repent to escape Hell.
For the USA- God hates America ! America is doomed ! Too late to pray for her good, but for her punishment.
На рассвете . - Николай Зимин Как - то утром на рассвете у колодца близ села
Мне цыганка нагадала жизни долгие года .
Нагадала мне дорогу на чужую сторону .
Путь суровый. Крест сосновый и любимую жену .
Поэзия : Два чоловіки (Two Husbands) - Калінін Микола Це переклад з Роберта У. Сервіса (Robert W. Service)
Unpenitent, I grieve to state,
Two good men stood by heaven's gate,
Saint Peter coming to await.
The stopped the Keeper of the Keys,
Saying: "What suppliants are these,
Who wait me not on bended knees?
"To get my heavenly Okay
A man should have been used to pray,
Or suffered in some grievous way."
"Oh I have suffered," cried the first.
"Of wives I had the wicked worst,
Who made my life a plague accurst.
"Such martyrdom no tongue can tell;
In mercy's name it is not well
To doom me to another hell."
Saint Peter said: "I comprehend;
But tribulations have their end.
The gate is open, - go my friend."
Then said the second: "What of me?
More I deserve to pass than he,
For I've been wedded twice, you see."
Saint Peter looked at him a while,
And then he answered with a smile:
"Your application I will file.
"Yet twice in double yoke you've driven...
Though sinners with our Saints we leaven,
We don't take IMBECILES in heaven."